Malayalam is the official language of the Indian state, Kerala – also, that of Lakshadweep and Puducherry. It is spoken by about 34 million people world wide. About 10% of the Malayalis live outside of India. We are a 100% volunteer driven organization. We even have non-NSS volunteers. Our teachers are passionate about Malayalam and believe in its purity. We work for a common cause:
“Introduce the warmth and care of our sweet mother-tongue to the new generation”. Knowledge increases by sharing and not by saving! If you are interested in joining our mission, you are more than welcome!
Our classes are operating in a hybrid model since 2022. Online services like Google Classroom, Google Meet and Zoom make remote learning experience easy and fun. Yet, it cannot replace the in-person experience, especially for those who begin to learn a new language. So, along with their regular online classes, students will avail in-person classes as per a predefined schedule. Classes are conducted on Saturdays. For more information please contact us at: